沿線サテライト施設のご案内(About Michinoku Coastal Trail satellite facilities )
English follows Japanese.
〒031-0841 青森県八戸市大字鮫町字棚久保14-167 TEL:0178-51-8500
〒028-8402 岩手県下閉伊郡田野畑村北山129-10 TEL:0194-33-3248
〒027-0001 岩手県宮古市日立浜町32-69 TEL:0193-65-1690
〒022-0001 岩手県大船渡市末崎町大浜 TEL:0192-29-2359
〒986-0781 宮城県本吉郡南三陸町戸倉字坂本21-1 TEL:0226-25-7622
There are five satellite facilities along the Michinoku Coastal Trail besides Natori Trail Center. These facilities provide information about and promote the trail for their area.
When you want official maps or information about the Michinoku Coastal Trail, please feel free to come to the nearest satellite facility.
■Tanesashi Coast Information Center
14-167 Aza Tanakubo, Samemachi, Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture, 031-0841
Tel: +81-178-51-8500
■Kitayamazaki Visitor Center
129-10 Kitayama, Tanohata Village, Shimohei-gun, Iwate Prefecture 028-8402
Tel: +81-194-33-3248
■Jodogahama Visitor Center
32-69 Hitachihamamachi, Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture 027-0001
Tel: +81-193-65-1690
■Goishi Coast Information Center
Ohama, Massakicho, Ofunato City, Iwate Prefecture, 022-0001
Tel: +81-192-29-2359
■Minamisanriku Marine Visitor Center
21-1 Sakamoto, Tokura, Minamisanriku Town, Motoyoshi-gun, Miyagi Prefecture 986-0781
Tel: +81-226-25-7622